
السبت، 25 يوليو 2015

digestive system

digestive system

Gastrointestinal tract characterized by the structure of the textile uniform except for some differences that reflect the specialization in anatomical position. [3] lies the gastrointestinal tract wall is divided into four films:
Algshaoualmkhati (mucous)
Under the mucous membrane
External Algshaoualadila
Algshaoualforeig (Notes) or Algshaoualmsali
Algshaoualmkhati [edit]
Mucosa is the deepest layer internally, directly gloss surrounding the gastrointestinal tract. And be in direct contact with the food, which is responsible for absorption and excretion, and processes that are important in the digestion mechanism.
Algshaoualmkhati can be divided into:
Special plate
Mucous muscle
Almkhattiyat be a high degree of specialization in each member of the gastro-intestinal tract, where they face the high acidity of the stomach, as you absorb the various articles of the small intestine, as well as to absorb certain amounts of water from the large intestine. All of these functions performed by Algshaoualmkhati require a high degree of specialization, so Andkhalat notes in some areas of the exocrine glands (eg drilling infectious) in the mucosa, the mucous membrane as the same may be folded to increase the surface absorption Kalzgabat circular folds).
Shirt under the mucosa [edit]
Shirt composed under the mucous tissue of dense connective untidy Includes large blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and nerve branches branch off to the outside Qmichin mucous and muscular. It includes shirt as under the mucous also Meissner plexus which is a nerve plexus intestinal deposited on the inner face of the outer muscle shirt.
Shirt muscular exterior [edit]
Muscle shirt is composed of the outer layer of circular muscle and external layer of longitudinal muscle. The circular muscle layer prevents food movement back, while the longitudinal muscle layer by shortening the gastrointestinal tract. It called the coordinated contractions of these two classes Baltmajat, leads peristalsis to push the piece of bread for food industry in the gastrointestinal tract. It is located between the two layers of the intestinal muscles or muscle plexus Auerbach plexus.
Foreign tunica [edit]
Foreign tunica is composed of several layers of the epithelium. If the tunica adventitia interview to the mesentery (or peritoneal fold), Tnglv layer of the epithelium Mediterranean backed with a thin layer of connective tissue to form a so-called serous membrane jerseys or worshiper.
Stages of the digestion process [edit]
Digestion, mechanical effects and the effects of chemical process that involves. It enables the mechanical effects of food cut into small particles and mix it with the digestive juices and securing their passage into the digestive tube. Including: chewing process taking place inside the mouth and swallowing secured by the throat and also Tqdat the muscles of the stomach and intestines. The chemical effects is divided into three basic reactions: conversion of sugars into simple sugar such as glucose, and the digestion of proteins to amino acids and convert fat into fatty acids and glycerol. These interactions take place thanks to the quality of enzymes.
The role of saliva [edit]
Saliva is produced by the salivary glands at a rate of 1.5 liters per day. During the process of chewing saliva mixes with the Food and boils down to his role in the
Food and hydration in order to facilitate swallowing and taste it.
Analysis of starch to simple sugar by enzyme or salivary amylase Ncoisalncois.
Starch - (enzyme amylase) -> barley sugar (maltose) and Apple Alklozon
The role of the stomach [edit]
Stomach is a strong muscular bag that can be stretched to store food that is swallowed. An analysis of the food it occurs due to muscle movement, where the stomach to crush the food and mixed infectious ulcer, which are secreted from cells, especially in wall transforms food into dense textures attorney called chyme. It consists of infectious juices (90%) of the water and the remaining hydrochloric acid HCl, and the enzyme pepsin, which digest protein materials and turn them into simple materials. There in the lower limb muscle called the sphincter pylori allow the passage of food into the small intestine.
The role of the small intestine [edit]
Materials coming from the stomach are subject to the act of three digestive juices: pancreatic juices and bile and intestinal enzymes
It is complete and end the chemical analysis (fat proteins and the remaining sugars).
Water, mineral salts and vitamins absorption continue.
Absorption begins construction units
The total length of about seven meters and whirls inside the abdominal cavity begin part called the twelve which pour bile <excreted from the liver> and pancreatic juice <fleeing from the pancreas> following twelve area in the small intestine called the ileum and this part pour the juices Almaobh and they are presented complete digestion of the types of various food
FITNESS between structure and function in the small intestine [edit]
The large number of outcrops within the intestinal surface increases the surface area of ​​the small intestine {} installation facilitate food absorption process {} function.
Intestinal length (18:00) and involuntary muscles in the intestinal wall {} installation and facilitate the transfer of blending food enzymes, making it easier to digest and absorb food {} function.
The presence of a large number of Alkhamlat in the intestinal wall installation} {active digest food and absorption process {} function.
The large number of blood vessels in the intestinal protrusions {} installation help transport food to the body's cells process.
The role of the large intestine [edit]
Remaining in the large intestine water absorption continue.
The analysis section of the food with the help of good bacteria that colonize the intestine.
Begin assembling waste accumulation process.
Use stomach animals in humans [edit]
Stomach of calves used as a source of rennet in the cheese industry.
Use strings made of me animals by musicians can be traced to the era of the third dynasty in Egypt. In the past, the tendons are made of lambs with me. With the development of modern-day musicians it became Utara use made of silk or synthetic such as nylon or steel materials. But some musicians still use Ouattara made from the intestines to call the older tone quality. Although the tendons was referred to as an old Boothar "cats with me," the cats were not used as a source of chords.
Sheep with me was the original source of Uttar speculator, such as those used in the sport of tennis. Today, industrial Valoothar more common, but the best tendons made from cows with me.
Gut rope is also used in Uttar Alsnr industry which gives drum Alsnar distinctive resonant voice. While using drum Alsnar currently almost always a metal wire rope instead of the small intestine frame drum Abanndera the North African still uses gut for this purpose.
Sausage structures "natural" (or packaging) made from animal intestines especially pork and beef with me and pregnancy.
Animal gut was used to make funicular lines in large clocks in the movement of the roller in the bow hours, but may be replaced by an iron wire.
The oldest condoms since 1640 were made of animal gut.
Gastroenterology [edit]
Digestive system consists of a gastro-intestinal tract and organs and tissues attached responsible for the digestion of food, it is appropriate to describe the symptoms and examined each part separately. And it may be necessary description for each common parts and check whole abdominal symptoms.
Mouth The Mouth [edit]
Symptoms Symptoms: Symptoms include emerging from the mouth, thirst Thirst Dryness and drought and excess salivation Salivation lost or Taste and difficulty speaking or swallowing, redness, pain disorder taste.
Thirst and drought: usually reflects the thirst degree of cellular rehydration and this may result in reduced contained or increase water loss or the increase in salt consumption or severe diarrhea or multiple Pilate in diabetes or renal insufficiency or sweating copiously, especially in the diets exacerbated sometimes because of poor drinking patient . The dry mouth of diminishing games is a passing phenomenon common in fear may be more stable in Almtnevsan orally from nasal obstruction. The result from diseases of the salivary glands Alinkav- such as Sjogren's disease and salivary stones are usually updated in cases of dehydration thirst, in severe disease such as drought may be Asttababa useful and urgent liquids.
Excess saliva Increased Salivation:
This happens in inflammatory lesions of the oral mucosa (such as stomatitis, the emergence of teeth for children) in Parkinson's disease as a companion for nausea and often have a strong presentation at the Games esophageal obstruction due to the inability to swallow secretions.
Loss of taste loss or disorder or Disorder of Taste:
The sensory nerve endings in the tongue only able to distinguish the initial sensations of taste: Sour acid, salty Salt, Sweet Sweet, bitter Bitter. The usually it has these sensations refers to the scourge in the seventh or ninth nerve or in cases of more scarce in section maxillary nerve fifth and often complain patient has a sense of gustatory most is the non-discrimination of the most malignant flavors of the food, which depends on the sense of smell and the show, which is produced mostly from anorexia Anorexia is rarely caused by pests olfactory nerves and more frequent in the nasal mucosa or nasal blockage of the road antenna disease, but there is not a pleasant taste in the mouth and disorder in the food flavor sometimes occurs in brain lesions or Aura Aura in Epilepsy Epilepsy.
Difficulty speaking or swallowing: may occur due to low secretion of saliva, teeth is not sufficient, painful situations in the mouth or throat and causes muscle nervous.
Soreness or pain Soreness & Pain: The ulceration of the mucosa overlying the mouth or tongue exists in various forms of inflammation of the mouth and inflammation of the mucosa of the cheek Buccal caused by localized or general reasons: the patient feels ulceration or inflammation, especially when dealing with foods very hot or acidic and through speech or chewing Albelaoo and or swallowing, and the most common form of pain arising in the mouth is the pain caused by tooth or tooth abscesses pregnant women about age, constant sharp pain in Figure exacerbated chewing or cold foods has Icaa ear or pilgrims or the temporal.
Physical signs
Oral examination
It requires good lighting mouth examination.
Teeth; the number and condition, form abnormal age is important in the diagnosis of syphilis Congenital where cutouts are serrated (jagged notched, teeth Hatchetson, discoloration of age due to lack of care of him, may we see when the water content is not enough of fluorine and then seem to age Mrakeca mottled brown brownish or hitter for Samra. It may be caused by the use of tetracycline and is a rare phenomenon in the case of sparkling pink congenital porphyria !.
Gums Gums; it should be noted deep red tension with ease bleeding found within the case of inflammation, and exit of pus at the age of the edges of the gums, in each of the suppuration gums Pyorrhea and inflammation Gingivitis teeth be infected and often lax and covered with a yellow Bnthh greenish Greenish-yellow with the ebb and retreat to the edges of the gums. This type of infection may be special circumstances in the mouth of the origin of endocarditis or pulmonary abscess, and also a factor exacerbating forced to become contagious. May be the gums pale in anemia, intoxication mark in the line glaucoma scenes at the edges of the gums and the Blue Line resulted from stock forefront of sulfide in the weave gums, a lack of vitamin C are soft and spongy gums bleed easily and may cause angina Vincent (ulceration and one on my gums), in addition to appearances congenital, but the magnitude of the gum overgrowth can occur when Almsruaan Ventaan handlers for long periods of time and in some forms of leukemia and blood.
And tongue mucosa Alkhadda The Tongue & Buccal Mucous Membrane
Give the natural appearance of the tongue papillae Vruya (fur) furred best seen in the rear section, dry tongue is an important sign of dehydration, and may be accompanied by Baltkhanh change in color and the presence of crust on the fur. Blood - blue and jaundice poverty may prove on the tongue in agreements lethal blood (malignant and especially iron deficiency anemia) is devoid of tongue papillae and be smooth and shiny shinny and sometimes red-hot Sore. The bluetongue always a central facility must face the San abdominal examination and hopes when there is a bleeding ulcer or Altencaah Leucoplakia leukoplakia, which you may see only from the bottom. And be a huge tongue disease in acromegaly The size of the tongue for no apparent reason, it may be caused by amyloidosis. The Alhll- Aldmor- shivers Tremors abnormalities and movement of the tongue and soft sail notes may offer, but refers to the nervous system. According to small ulcers to the presence of inflammation of the mouth, and ulcers most points for syphilis and disease malignant may be lined, the former tend to be centralized and recent marginal (Hafah Marginal) and leukoplakia may be Frankish and sometimes pre-cancerous Precancerous characterized by white and sometimes thickened patches in mucous. And is accompanied by soreness tuberculous pneumonia and sepsis often includes the tip of the tongue with numbness. Relatively Crohn's disease has become more common causes of mouth ulcers, and may help swabs or pieces of ulcers in identifying such cases of Crohn's disease and syphilis, tuberculosis and malignant disease. In Addison's disease may see tan areas of pigmentation in the mucosa Alkhadda useful as a marker in Almhkukh cases, it has also seen pigmentation Alkhadda in natural especially black people and rarely in macular bloody pigmentosa, there may be hemorrhages in purpura and if coupled with castles have suggested Balawhitad.
Esophagus The esophagus [edit]
(Symptoms) ten swallowing: difficulty swallowing or a keynote presentation at reflux disease, may consist of ten swallowing difficulty in emptying the mouth because of weak games or paresis or painful tongue in the mouth or pharynx cases. In ten esophageal swallowing food Mgruza patient feels in the throat or behind the sternum, and often determines the blockage and accurately by the patient, but clogged down Marri gives sometimes dysphagia at the top level. The common causes of swallowing ten are:
Carcinoma (carcinoma) (pharynx or Marie)
Cervical tumors (lymph nodes-items)
Neuromuscular (bulbar palsy Palsy - Muscular and tents - myself) and they
Iron deficiency
Diverticulum (pharynx or Marie)
Marri carcinoma
Equitable tumors (contract for Mvih- items)
Carcinoma (stomach or Marie)
Chancrous stenosis (usually because of diaphragmatic hernia)
Two Systemic Sclerosis stiffness
And most important of carcinoma (carcinoma): the beginning of the patient finds only difficulty eating solid foods for a period of chewing food can be overcome until it becomes liquid and its content later when increases blockage show difficulty in swallowing liquids and even saliva. Ten swallowing caused by other reasons are rarely fully Alakalazea In the case may be intermittent period of time for many years and are affected Paljoamd and liquids evenly. Ten swallowing of neuromuscular origin may be associated heart cough caused by the entry of food into the throat.
Pain Pain: The pain associated with ten swallowing may be due to muscle contractions of the esophagus above the blockage and is positioned behind the sternum and be Oazemia at the blockage site, but can be spread across the chest and Icaa to the neck and across the back, and so is similar to Simulate cardiac pain, but usually occurs immediately after swallowing and can be mitigated The food Btjha constant pain from this pattern may result in rupture or perforation Marri. The burning pain bottom raised bow and removed anti-acidity Viouha inflammation esophagus caused by regurgitation of stomach acid and this happens especially in hiatus hernia.
Regurgitation: It may be confined secretions and food behind the blockage Marri or through diverticulitis and thus are Qlsha. And it is characterized by vomiting regurgitation (for example, emptying the contents of the stomach) that rarely precedes nauseous and often without effort. And be Almgulws undigested food but because of bacterial invasion have an unpleasant odor. The article Almgulwsh inhalation during sleep is a possible reason for the nocturnal bouts of coughing. To serious infection may lead.
Bleeding: The bleeding esophageal or bloody Kakieouat craps bituminous Melaena or more stealthily, Kvqr blood Anemia may come bleeding from peptic ulcer of the esophagus or varicose MRI next to hypertension in the portal vein. The mass bleeding from ruptured varicose Marie Btjha it is not my bruised and dark Reddy is metastable infectious ulcer.
Clinical signs
Screening examination Marri Marri depends heavily on X - Endoscopy Marri Alkhozah- and reliable clinical mainly on the medical history but noted difficulties in swallowing and the presence of any magnitude of adenocarcinoma in the neck or mediastinal obstruction guide.
Diagnosis Marri Diagnosis diseases Of Diseases Of The Esophagus carcinoma Marri cause of this tumor pain, dysphagia progressive and burp food that may be unpleasant and caked with blood, repel the solid food and later the fluid from the stomach, leading to thirst Thirst, sweating, dehydration, anemia, and other signs of malnutrition, inability to swallow saliva may be severe offer private and rarely symptoms appear suddenly, and neighboring organs invaded the Marie relatively an early stage of the disease, (blockage of mediastinal) and if the blockage not corrected will the patient die of starvation Starvation or from pneumonia due to inhalation of food Almjho.
Akalazea cardia Achalasia of the aurdias result Akalazea heart for relaxed down-Marri failed before and for a morsel of food, and this gets because of the lack of fit wave Alhowih more than spasm heart and caused by degeneration in the pigtail Auerbach and tend to occur when young people more than adults, but may continue throughout life if not addressed and be ten swallowing usually more volatile and less Lena in Trekayaa may be fleeting still drugs that loosen smooth muscle and must maintain good nutrition.
Perforation and rupture Perforation & Rupture: the twin in the form of myocardial infarction with severe pain behind the sternum and signs of shock and when this type of symptoms comes after a meal containing sharp bones (Smk- chicken - meat cutlets with bones) should be considered as perforation esophageal always. The Alakieouat strong after a heavy meal with a lot of alcohol may result in rupture spontaneously to Marie, and in any case, supported by the finding that there bang felt in the neck (swelling surgical Surgical Emphysema caused by air course of the fair and later effusion usually side on the left side markers, prove the crack in the wall of Marri article shady after being swallowed by the patient (gulp article shady Abralfm)
Diaphragmatic hernia Hiatus Hernia: The softer esophageal hiatus in the diaphragm may be allowed for a piece of the stomach to enter the cavity movement, and this can happen, especially in the obese and people with high intra-abdominal pressure (during pregnancy, for example) or deformation of the rib cage (CAMS with Zor) 1 result symptoms mainly About regurgitation of acid and leads to inflammation which Marie had mixed ulceration and stenosis and it is the basic symptoms of heartburn to bend or lie down, acid regurgitation, pain below the sternum and dysphagia Dysphagia, bleeding and anemia. Pain ischemic heart or stomach ulcers has been revealed-like hiatus hernia routine X may be not accidental. Relatively accompanying symptoms for some pests may result, such as inflammation of the gallbladder or hernia complication such as an ulcer Ulcer.
Bezoar Bezoar: There is a block stuck in the digestive tract (stomach usually), although it can occur in other places. False bezoar sundial is queasy was introduced intentionally in the digestive tract.
Private Special Investigations surveys can detect abnormalities identified in the lumen Marri survey radiography while the patient swallows barium sulfate (Article shady on x) pests mucosa of the esophagus can also be identified direct vision through the lens of the esophagus and flexible inspection cell of the contents of the filtrate and if Msttaba taken a biopsy of the mucous possible be taken for histological examination. As well as the use of gauge for measuring pressure Marri. The transfer of DNA MRI may induce pain of esophageal regurgitation, and thus may help in the differential diagnosis of pain behind the sternum. (Paragraph digestive system diseases reproduces a lecture at the Faculty of Medicine at Damascus University Dr. M. Saeed Vleon)
References [edit]
Bruce ^ m. Carlson (2004): knowledge of the human fetus and evolutionary biology, the third edition, St. Louis: Mosby. ISBN 0-323-03649-X
^ Richard Kweku, Jeffrey Sunshine, Benjamana of Eli (2003): Immunology: a short case. New York: Wiley not ISBN. 0-471-22689-0
^ Abraham's. Kirznbaum (2002): Histology and cellular biology: an introduction to the anatomy of patients. St. Louis: Mosby. ISBN 0-323-01639-1
National Institute of Diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases, the National Institutes of Health.

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