Is a predator has a huge capacity in fishing, do not eat other prey.
It climbs trees: Pferaish escape at the top of the trees in order not shared by one to eat its prey, and the tiger can swim and skillfully.
And can jump a distance of 6 meters above the ground, its tail is sometimes used in hunting, and reach a speed of 80 kilometers per hour
It also creates a blind tiger !!
Tiger and many names, including: the coolest - speckled - Alktam .... female called row - and Abrdh - Khaithamh
He called his son: Kahfie
Live 20 years ago
Lion King of the Jungle
Assad does not even hunt prey lioness, because of their large size. If Assad repellent big monster or an animal donkey buffalo gives the lion's blow Thalh or kill him, and rarely catch prey, and does not eat other prey
<<< Lachs feed him from you, because of the large size of his head and the massive structure, reach a speed of 55 kilometers per hour
Assad has a weight of 120 kg and up to 250 kg, with a length of 3 meters from the beginning of his nose to the tail end
Live between 10-14 years old, sleeps 20 hours a day and hunts at night Friash
Lion Roar heard 8 km
Afraid of the voice of your parents and black cord and eagles and from fire
the White Lion:-
As a result of mating with the male lion praised Tiger
Adult Arabs in the naming of the lion because they classify him in ignorance gods
Call it: the king of the jungle, and seven, and Laith, and Ahazzbr, and roses, and Aldhargam, and Alosamh, and Algdhanfr, and Alksorh, and Haitham ...
Al Areen and called his home. Lioness called female partner, and called on children cubs
Hyena: There are two types: the dotted - and planned
Figure ugly foul smell animal, an animal intruder does not hunt prey, but also eating the remains of animals and carrion, but he was a fisherman Maher
Hyena bite force of about 800 pounds \ .. square centimeters. Equivalent white shark bite force is the most powerful bite in the animal kingdom, he can crush bones Bonaabh.
The most dangerous reptiles at all, which is an animal of the age of the dinosaurs, has existed for 200 million years
The female has a weight of 160 kg, while the male up to almost 310 kilos
And Nile crocodile up the volume to 730 kg, and is approximately 6 meters in length, and despite the bulkiness but very fast
The most dangerous types: the huge Nile crocodile known to man Baadaute
The crocodile can live three years and just one meal !!!
The alligator can also cow was full, and stomach alligator can even digest the bones
Note that the crocodile appeared not pierced by bullets, and crocodile can lethality or killing tigers and black !!
Live about 45 years and has said he reaches 80 years
Cheetah are two types: black - and dotted
It is the best hunter in the Kingdom of the woods, a pet for animal predators as used by amateur fishing after his training, and can co-exist with human
And is the fastest jungle animals reach a speed of 120 kilometers per hour, the mother can cohabitation with a male to have other young, and the advantage of a very curvaceous body
A weight of about 50 grams Clio
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