Spread of the disease [edit]
Thalassemia is spread all over the world, but by more in some countries, such as the Mediterranean basin countries. This is also known as Mediterranean anemia blood.
History of the disease [edit]
It is well-known since ancient diseases in this region, the disease has been diagnosed by a doctor in 1925 when Cooley was diagnosed cases of patients suffering from severe anemia, and a range of symptoms of bone deformities and the death of the patient at the end.
A divided Thalassemia to the most important types, alpha-thalassemia and beta thalassemia, depending on the defect site, whether in the gene responsible for the series manufacture of the protein alpha in the blood "Alhmocalobin" or beta hemoglobin respectively. It is known that there are several hundreds of genetic mutations causing the disease. The confluence of Morthyn infirm beta leads to the emergence of the type of disease, while, to the presence of four genes responsible for the Alpha series manufacturing, the need to be in the presence of ill-three of these genes, or genes are all ill-four to the onset of symptoms. There are also other types of thalassemia such as Delta type.
Thalassemia is transmitted by heredity from parents to children. If a parent carrier of the disease or is infected, it is possible to move to some children Statistics his image (ie they become carriers of the disease). If seashell though both parents carry the disease or people living with HIV, there is a 25% probability that a child is born with the disease severe his image.
As a result of this divided into two people with: 1. the type in which a person is a carrier of the disease did not show any symptoms, or may show symptoms of anemia are simple, and be able to transmit the disease to their children. 2. Type in which a person infected with the disease, and showing obvious symptoms of the disease since childhood.
The disease is of inheriting autosomal recessive, and therefore generates Thalassemia infected as a result of the marriage between Attin are both carriers of the disease. Sometimes, the carrier of the disease do not show any symptoms of the phenomenon, but can be diagnosed medical analyzes.
Althelasima types [edit]
Alpha Thelasima
Delta Thalassemia
Thalassemia patient needs to be moved frequently for blood (from 3 to 4 weeks) and throughout the age of the patient resulting from repeated blood transfusions many problems, including:
Increase the proportion of iron in the body
The fragility of bones
General weakness in the body
Delayed puberty
Change in facial bones and jaws form
Types of the disease [edit]
Thalassemia major [edit]
Her two types:
It depends on the type of blood transfusion
Type does not depend entirely on blood transfusion and the so-called Central Thalassemia
Thalassemia Minor / thalassemia trait [edit]
Symptoms of thalassemia appear on a child with symptoms of anemia from the age of 3-6 months to get where:
Pale and yellowing
Less appetite.
Stress and lack of sleep.
Vomiting and vomiting
Repeated exposure to infections.
Clear inflation in the spleen and abdomen.
Difficulty in feeding.
Severe anemia
Treatment [edit]
Monthly blood transfusions to maintain normal levels of blood Hmocalobin.
Daily intake of medication such as pills or L1 Desfral injection under the skin to remove excess iron in the body before it seeps in different parts of the body
There is another new treatment alternative for Desfral takes by mouth, which is a tablets dissolved in water take once a day named ExJade or Eixgid.
In the case of severe inflation spleen it is excised.
Vitamin folic acid (vitamin B9) for the production of red blood cells.
It is the future of gene therapy treatment for thalassemia.
The risk of neglect of treatment [edit]
Severe poverty and chronic blood.
Future deformities in the bones of the head and other bones of a private body in general and the thinning of the bones
Delayed physical and mental growth and delayed puberty
Enlarged liver and spleen, causing inflation in the abdomen.
Problems in the teeth.
Weakened immune
Thalassemia Minor or thalassemia trait [edit]
Sufferer often does not suffer from any symptoms or symptoms are very light, such as poverty mild blood, and is it diagnosed conducting a routine check of the blood shows a decrease in blood cells red, lies the importance of the diagnosis of the disease to help determine the seriousness of the transmission thalassemia major children at marriage and advised the affected Thalassemia Minor male or female, not to the marriage of an infected person Butlasemia major or minor children because the likelihood of injury to major thalassemia very high
Diagnosis [edit]
Using special laboratory test known as hemoglobin electrophoresis separation.
Preventive methods of this type:
Not eating iron pills or vitamins containing iron for the treatment of anemia only after consulting your doctor.
Taking vitamin folic acid when feeling tired and fatigue.
Not to marry the person holding the thalassemia gene is also a feature in order to avoid having sick children major Baltlasemia.
Follow-up minutes for women who carry thalassemia trait throughout pregnancy.
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