New Ship
Ship one of the oldest means of transportation and the most important. Every day, thousands of ships cross the ocean, sailing along the shores of the sea and travel within the territory used waterways. In fact, trade between the countries depend, to a large extent, on the ships. They assume, for example, oil and petroleum products from Gulf Arab states around the world to carry wheat from Canada to Germany, and bearing mechanisms from Germany to Chile. Also, they carry copper from Chile to Japan, and Japanese cars carrying to Europe and Australia. And the movement of ships maize from America to Ethiopia, coffee from Ethiopia to France.
Many types of vessels used to carry the World Trade Valenaqlat giant oil, vegetable oils and other fluids carry. And ships carrying refrigerators (refrigerators), meat, fresh fruits and vegetables. And the movement of cargo ships called tankers shipments of solid quality and dry loads such as corn, iron ore and sand. The general cargo ships transporting everything; from aircraft engines to the cloud Elzimamat (pants zippers, etc.). And carry passengers on board ships across the ocean, as the movement of the sea-going tourists around the world.
People consistently since several thousand years on the use of ships in the sea, which attracted frequenting his secrets and the implications of exciting adventures. And most importantly, that people set sail for the discovery and settlement, as set sail for trade and conquest.
Best known for Arabs during what has been termed the Middle Ages building ships were scouring every sailor known world then, and became famous among the navigators Arabs turnoff is not a little, headed by Suleiman trader who, without his trips in 237 e 0.851 m, as well as Ibn Majid and Suleiman al-Mahdi. I attended the first of the ocean from the Europeans, the Portuguese who sailed from the Atlantic as far south as the western shores of Africa, and in the late fifteenth century. In 1492, Christopher Columbus arrived in the Italian who was in the service of Spain to the New World America after that across the Atlantic, using three small ships freely. In 1497, Vasco da Gama, the Portuguese set sail from Europe to India.
In 1620, it carried the old ship called the Mayflower first group of settlers to North America. Between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, ships carried considerable freedom called East Andyadmn silk, spices and other goods from the country's Far East to Europe. In the mid-nineteenth century, ships-wheel-Bukhari replace the sailing ships began. Soon, the world has become small when steam ships crossed the seas in a fraction of the time it took sailing ships to cross. Thus it reduced the distance between the ships of nations and peoples and made some of them economically dependent on another one.
The rich countries have become impregnable throughout history when able to control the seas in times of war and peace. They retreated and underwent when I lost that control of the seas. Today, the task of the ships as they were always richer and prevent any state. Major trading nations and highly dependent on the ships in the import and export of goods. Soon we find Britain, Japan and Germany economies, and many other countries, and substantially hampered due to lack of ships carrying food and raw materials and transporting them to manufactured goods. It owns many trading nations huge commercial fleets. It consists merchant fleet each Du
It is likely that the first ship was a block of wood was used to cross the lake or river. Perhaps people have used their hands Mjadiv then learned later how to make buoys blocks users from the trunks of trees matrix and tied with each other, linked arbitrator. Over time, people discovered how to make boats from tree trunks after removing the bark of trees from them. The first man-made boats from other materials in the rare wood areas. For example, animal skins has the form of sewing bag was amplified using the raft to be used. When connecting several helicopters with each other, it can be a float. People discovered in some areas that a small crock pots tied to each other, one after the other, can make up the float. Also they learned that one of the huge pottery vase enough Kgarb accommodate one person.
In ancient Egypt and certain other areas, people are able to manufacture the first generation of Awamathm using reed stalks packages. Over time, the Egyptians learn how these packages are systems for boats shaped spoon, almost by the year 4000 BC, learned of manual payment shipbuilding industry, which is long and narrow ship pay using a row of oars. During the subsequent thousand years ago, Egyptians were able to make ships pass Btoran important industry. By the year 3000 BC, almost, the Egyptians discovered that sails can collect air are paid their boats. In addition, the Egyptians could boating industry using thick pieces of wood. After that people knew how to make boats of wood-based panels, they could then build large ships and tankers that have become able to cross the sea.
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Some important dates in the development of the shipbuilding industry
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3000 BC Egyptians invented sails and learned building wooden ships.
About 850 m developed Arab sailing vessels and used the astrolabe and compass that enabled them to sail to India, Malacca and China.
1200 m making builders ships in Northern Europe rear rudder of the ship.
1450 developed the builders of ships the Mediterranean sailing vessels fully equipped.
1807 American Robert Felton built the first boat ever pay Bukhari successful commercially.
1818 Britain launched its ship Vulcan, the first ship built entirely of iron.
1819 became the first American ship Savannah-propelled steam ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean, although they have used their engines for a period of 105 hours in the air while the sails used in the remainder of the flight, which lasted 29 days time.
1836 recorded a patented invention of the British Francis Petit Smith and John Ericsson Swedish Mjadiv payment screw to lead the steam boats.
1838 British ship Cyrus became the first ship regularly offer their services across the Atlantic Ocean using payment Bukhari alone.
1897 British Charles Parsons has proved the efficiency of the steam turbine in his boat named Al-Bukhari Alturbinaa.
1910-1911m entered service motor vessels, for the first time.
1959 United States launched the first payment of a nuclear merchant ship, known as the savannah.
1980 has been lengthening the tanker Saoayz Giant to be the largest ship in the world, and the length of 458 meters was inaugurated in 1979.
The era of sailing ships
The invention of the sail, basic pattern emerged for ships, and completed the invention of prominence vessels made of thick wooden blocks. In the course of the next 5,000 years for that period, focused on the builders of ships with larger sizes ships design, also focused on the development of tools ships, sails Besuariha and cords. The successful builders of ships in ancient times in building large ships sizes, but they have succeeded to a lesser extent in the development of the ship tools. The important developments in the device ships began in the fifth century AD, and went to a high degree with the emergence of large sailing ships in the mid-nineteenth century.
Ships prehistoric and ancient Egypt ships
Egyptian vessels. Designed ancient Egyptians many types of vessels, including small boats, pleasure boats and beautiful, ships and heavy shipping. Perhaps the biggest goals that have been achieved are the supertankers, which was carrying the huge stone pillars, obelisks are called, from quarries that were on the Nile River. The largest tankers arrived length of about 61 m and reached its cargo of goods to 680 metric tons.
The Egyptian light vessels, was used to pay Sail one description of rowers on each side of its sides. But the heavier ships leadership has only one sail. I have used the Egyptians sail rectangular box called Spinnaker name, first made it a long and narrow. After 2000 BC, made this sail more extensive in the offer but less in length. The Egyptians also used in the operation of large ships Mjadiv on each side of the rear of the ship.
Egyptians built their ships, mainly, for use in the Nile River. As a result, they have made all their boats river light, including, used their ships at sea. Today, the boats are built of wood blocks first ship industry structure of the base shear (the backbone) and trusses, wooden blocks and then connects to the hull, then, pillars.
But the Egyptians built their boats river without cutting base and without Daamat.kadd used bandages to bind some wooden blocks made up of some of the body so the boat. It was a boat so strong that managed to sail across the Nile, but she was too weak to sail into the Mediterranean's most rugged.
It is likely that the Navy ships to the Egyptians kind of storytelling rules and a few pillars, but often exhausted the front and rear of the vessels, especially in the turbulent waves of the sea. Therefore, linking the Egyptians solid strand around the ship and provider Madooh stretched across the deck and then to Vuh on the rear. Thus, this increased power cord vessels which prevent the forefront and rear of bending or diving. Egyptians have sailed, mainly, in the Red Sea and along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
Minoans and Almscenion
Was the first to set sail in the Mediterranean island of Crete are the residents who called them Minoans. Their ships have roamed since 2500 BC, the eastern Mediterranean and arrived in the west to the island of Sicily. In about 1450 BC, it dominated the population of what is known as the sea now the land of the Great Greeks, and they were known as Almsinyin. In fact, the Almsinyin Alimoyen and helped in the development of ships sailing the seas. But history scientists know little about their ships, all Maarafoh them with certainty is that those people built ships solid, spacious and with a sail and a square shape of the goods, also built these people are powerful warships was paid mediated by a row of oars on each side of its sides.
Phoenician and Greek ships
Phoenicians, Greeks ships. Researchers know more Maaarafon for ships that have been used in the Mediterranean in the third century BC. At that time, people were leading in the fight seas are Phoenicians and Greeks who lived in the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
We have built the Greeks and Phoenicians cargo ships are bold and broad as equipment ships have developed significantly in the sixth century BC, they were able to build ships Besarien descended second from the front on the introduction of carrying sail a small square in shape helps to ease steering the ship in the fourth century BC, making the Greeks sail triangle above the main sail as added square sail another for the biggest ships, and put him near the rear This has been simplified device four sails with is the most advanced among those devices invented by people in ancient times the hardware and as a result, the old ships were slow speed and exceeding the average speed to 5 knots freely during gusts of wind and the length of traditional Greek cargo ship about 30 m and it was able to carry between 91 and 180 metric tons of cargo.
The Greeks used the big sailing ships with oars warships and was the first generation of them, a row of rowers on each side of its sides. Between centuries atheist and nineteenth BC, the Greeks added Mngeniqa huge and sharp provider to ship with the water surface, was used as a weapon in the battles of war. In the eighth century BC, Brown Greeks ships sailing two rows from the ranks of rowers on each side of the ship, override each other and this kind exceeds significantly counterpart a single row of rowers in terms of speed and power of war and in the middle of the seventh century BC invented the Greeks three-ship oars, and the meaning of this is that there are three rows of oars on each side of the one above the other sides.
Greeks began and after them the Romans, when they construct for their ships, the body of the ship first, as did the Egyptians. But the Greeks and Romans used the ligaments and more stronger to link the wooden blocks (tree trunks) to each other. They also introduced a system of struts to strengthen the hull, and as a result, the Greek and Romanian ships have had strong bodies.
Romanian ships
Romanian ships. The Romans became the rulers of the Mediterranean region during the second century BC, and used the same types of vessels used by the ancient Greeks.
Built Romanians largest commercial fleet was known in ancient history and was the largest cargo ships have a carrying grain from Alexandria in Egypt to Rome and the length of the largest of these vessels 55 m, width 14 m, which enabled it to carry more than 910 metric tons of cargo and up to 1,000 passengers.
Were cargo ships Romania, as was the case with all types of tankers in the old time carrying passengers also that there is no designed ships designed to carry passengers at the time and was Travelers who book a place in any cargo ship heading toward their goal was in those living rooms of ships (cabins) dedicated a few VIP The rest of the passengers, they were sleeping on the floor (surface) ship and slept in a small shelters manufacture them themselves in every night.
Viking ships
The finest boats built between the eighth and atheist centuries in northern Europe and the Vikings have sailed long their ships famous across the North Atlantic to Greenland and even North America and invaded their ships such as traded and colonized by the people and then they were in the area of piracy were the source of terrorism in the seas.
People know today a lot about ships Vikings luxury because many of the peoples of the Viking leaders prepared their boats for burial where scientists have found a number of these graves In 1880 declassified for a warship belonging to this people remain in good condition near the south-eastern Norway Juxtad The length of this ship built by the Vikings in the tenth century AD, about 24 m width measures about five meters and a whole ships the Vikings, the structure of the ship overlaid panels that is, wood-based panels that make up the riding on each other, carrying 16 Mjaddava on each side of its sides and has a sail square shape installed in the mast likely to a height of 12:00 They also have paddle running near the rear of the ship is relatively small because most Juxtad and long ships Vikings 20 Mjaddava on each side and some of the other 30 Mjaddava
In 1893, a group of Norwegians girl an integrated version of the ship Juxtad Despite the bad weather this group was able to lead this ship across the Atlantic from Bergen in Norway to St. John's in Newfoundland in only 28 days!
It weakened the power of the Vikings gradually to be lost in the late atheist century AD control of the northern seas, and trade started to recover in the north of Europe, where traders needed to craft a more spacious to carry the largest shipments in the third century AD enables builders of ships in the north of the development of a strong ship launched Alkj by name and remained such commercial and naval ship is full of model ships in Northern Europe for almost 200 years.
Those ships and was able to violent sea waves and strong winds in the north and resist the Ocean Sea and the North Atlantic these vessels deep and wide and bodies with overlapping panels, has prepared for these ships carrying goods huge sizes.
And leakage sail one large box shape. They also have a building in each of the bow and stern-called Castle The Castle provided ground which soldiers can launch their arrows and Ohjaarham on enemy ships while the rear Castle The availability protection for VIPs between travelers and ships Alkj also a new type of operating tools Instead of Mjadiv operating along the sides near Poop there is a large rudder in the center of the rear. This was the rudder at about 1200 m more durable than oars.
Triangular shape of the sails of ships (Allatynat)
While working builders of ships in the North on the development of so-called ship was Alkj builders of ships in the Mediterranean walk in important amendments to the shipbuilding and design. And builders began to ships in the Mediterranean to enter a new way of building ships later became the standard method. They have built a structure of first base cut, then tied wooden panels to the hull in the frame. They also ate more of the use of a triangular sail shape dubbed Allatynat. Sails square format has proved that a good performance when the wind is blowing from behind. But, unlike a triangular sail shape, do not work well when sailing ship.
Sailing ships have always been used in the Mediterranean to carry goods and passengers has also been used warships also but in about the year 1300 increased use in the field of shipping and trade significantly and on the whole, these sailing ships did not use Mjadifaa only in the absence of wind or in the case of entering port or leaving In other times was the boats pay sails triangular shape and most of the sailing ships have Sarian front of them carrying a large sail and some have three masts and commercial ships sailing longer and wider than the warships and the typical sailing ships can carry about 127 metric tons.
Full setup ship
Around the middle of the fifth century AD, it enables builders of ships in the Mediterranean basin from the integration of the finest powerful ship properties kg with similar characteristics to their boats lighter and called the Latin and became this ship is typical ship in all European countries for almost 300 years as they continued to build hull mediated connect wood panels to the structure consists of a cut-and-pillars base but they replaced flippers operating the helm at the rear of the ship as they followed the establishment of front and Chateau background in the ship as is the case in the ship Alkj and more importantly that the builders Mediterranean ships changed their ship device to gain strength the largest and Tcieira better and so have developed a complete setup ship or processing and ship full setup or Quartet processing major became adorned and became in the foreground and a third in the back of the ship and holds all of Alsarien who are in the center and made a big square sail shape and topped with small sails square-shaped The mast Mozainy (back) carries triangular sail there and Sticky column on the provided carrying a small square shape Saria that ships equipped with this setup or are exploited by explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama, and Sir Francis Drake and Ferdinand Magellan in the late fifteenth century and during the sixteenth century.
At about mid-sixteenth century, it appeared on the seas kind of sailing ships called Aljleon. And Algelionat huge sailing ships her front castles less, up from other ships and Castle high background includes wider each and every one of the main Alsarien compartments (in the middle) and the front holds Hraaan or three sails while the mast Mozainy (rear) holds sail one or Hraaan In the largest Aljleon ships There became a second MAZINI near the rear.
Used Aljleon ships for commercial and warships at the same time and used the guns carried on board ships since the mid-fourteenth century, but Aljleon ships were carrying guns are more numerous and heavier fought fleets English and Spanish in 1588 AD months naval warfare in history, and use where both sides ships Aljleon But the English which were faster and more maneuverable and better armed, which enabled it to defeat the Spanish fleet and launched the Spaniards on their fleet invincible Armada, which they believe to name that can not be defeated.
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