Smoking damage
Smoking is one of the most behaviors that people accustomed in the twentieth century and century twenty-first, and invaded this phenomenon the world as a whole, became in the hands of the small by the large, and accustomed young to be treated adult transaction, a child likes to imitate his parents, or at least his father, who shall to emulate in the things that make it susceptible to damage, and to be a man in himself and his friends of view, It is noted recently that smoking has become the only means among young people to get rid of the problems, and work hard to eliminate them, through forgotten during the day periods, and became a smoking optimal means by which spread among young people and the elderly alike, and the strange thing is really that smoking is known the extent of seriousness, and the extent of its ability to destroy the health, the World Health organizations proved that the numbers that die due to smoking per year, higher than the numbers who died because of the plague in the past, bringing This is why smoking the most prominent of death, there is a slogan that says I wanted to commit suicide then smoking, they are really effective way.
Because smoking modern scourge, and the source of chronic diseases, it was necessary to stand on its issues, and the reasons for its spread among specific age groups, and between addiction clear it, it was necessary to also stand on the grave damage left by the body, it destroys the health Balbte, and makes you feel like at the age of eighty, and you did not exceed thirty after, and kills millions of cells per day, including cerebral Alkhalaah which can never be Taatawwad, and even makes you more susceptible to chronic diseases, and diseases of the modern era, such as the heart, and hardening of the arteries, stroke, cancer, etc., all of this and more, and when he talked owners bad habit surprised Bnzerathm demagoguery, as if they were not aware of what they are doing themselves, and find cough Rafik trained, and can not offer advice to them, they know the damage well, and know that they drown, but no alternative to smoking, as we noted in our daily lives , we find the smoker when he starts weary and narrow, and when it enters into a state of repression and frustration, quickly resorted to smoking as a way to escape the painful reality, leaving in its owner suffering, it can not leave her over the old, like trying to commit suicide and die, and get rid of crises by cigarette.
Finally, smoking makes you feel like you're persona non grata, Fraihh foul breath smoked constantly, granulated that by himself, hates the mixture to others, like punishes himself for his addiction.
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