New technology
The words that are similar technology: biology and geology and topography even noteworthy is made up of two parts techno and loggia.
The technology according to the transliteration of the word (Greek: τεχνολογία). The Greek word technology consists of two sections,
First Techno techno which means art and industry,
The second section and loggia logia which means science [2] [3].
The use of technology has changed dramatically over the long through the past 200 years. Before the 20th century, this was a common term in English, and are usually referred to the description or the study of useful arts. [2] and it is often associated with the term technical education, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (chartered in 1861). [3] "technology" rose to prominence in the 20th century in connection with the second industrial revolution. Technology has changed meanings in the early 20th century, when social scientists Americans, starting with Thorstein Veblen, translate ideas of the German concept of the technique in "technology". In German and other European languages, there is a distinction between technique and technology, which is absent in the English language, and usually are converted both as "technology". By the 1930s, and "technology" does not refer to the study of industrial arts, but to the same industrial arts. [4] In 1937, an American Meeting Read Payne wrote that "technology includes all the tools, machinery and utensils, weapons, tools, housing, clothing, and transportation and communication devices and skills that we produce and use." [5] remains Payne definition and common among scientists today, especially social scientists. But on an equal footing is the leading technology and applied sciences definition, especially among scientists and engineers, despite the fact that most social scientists who study technology reject this definition. [6] More recently, it has borrowed from the European philosophers, scientists for "technical" meaning the technology to various forms of effective reason for the expansion, as is the case in Foucault's work on the techniques of self ("Techniques de soi").
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