
السبت، 25 يوليو 2015

Tea and types

Tea and types

Tea Chinese name given to a tree or shrub and the leaves and the drink, which is made from the leaves, evergreen and poem. Attributed to the camellia family, and native to East Asia. It grows in his homeland to 9 meters high, but in small farms trim bushes length of 90-150 cm. Rmohah green leaves form a dark, fragrant flowers and yellowish white. He said tea in Chinese works in the third century substitute for strong wines, and planting in the eighth century on a commercial scale. Imported by Dutch East India Company to Europe, h 1600 and was used in England (1660 h). Monopolized the British East India Company supplied to Britain until 1834. arrived in the American colonies in 1680 and was a favorite drink until replaced by coffee. Tea is the most consumed beverage after water, the most important tea producing countries: India, China, Ceylon, Indonesia, Japan, Formosa. The main importing countries Britain, the United States of America. Australia, Russia, Canada, the country's low. You need to be planted fertile soil light, weather and hot, humid air, heavy rain and small shrubs cultivated from seeds suitable for taking after about three years, it has kept these shrubs produce for 50 years. And hand-picked leaves a ripe and best near Summit thin leaves. Leave the leaves until wither, then conclude and heat, and in green tea are heated securities immediately after the cut, and in the black tea ferment the leaves first about 24 hours, either in the Black Dragon tea is a type of tea to drink the people of China, fermenting partially leaves a center in flavor and color. Tea is classified according to the paper size, starting from the smallest. The tea flavor caused by volatile oil, and its property caused by the stimulant caffeine, and its property caused by tannin Holding, which is decreasing in black tea due to fermentation. Sometimes blossom and jasmine or other fragrant plants is added to some types of tea to Ttyibh.
The world of the most famous drinks and Omtaha. In different shapes and flavors colored teapots on tables savory refreshing drink does not require the preparation of more than three to five minutes.
People differ in tea Some loves sweet taste and preferences of each other with milk and others not satisfied by a net increase on a sour taste.
Reuters news agency, published in July 2004 that a team of researchers Medical Center at Duke University, North Carolina had reached a strong correlation between caffeine intake with meals and increased levels of sugar and insulin in the blood in patients with type II diabetes, also published Radio BBC CNN on its website on July 20, 2004 news study from the International School for Advanced Studies in Italy that the caffeine can hinder the work of the temporary memory of the brain and remember some of the names, so it is referred to the students always avoiding drinking tea, especially the days examinations.
In fact, the stimulant effect of tea is similar to the effect of caffeine in coffee. The difference is that the stimulant effect of tea requires a longer time. And transmits tea caffeine in it throughout the body, Faiht brain and nervous system without affecting the heart and blood circulation as coffee. So one feels comfortable after his abdication tea and greater ability to concentrate. The best stop for tea or coffee or any material telltale eating after four o'clock in the afternoon if possible.

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