
السبت، 25 يوليو 2015

YouTube and its contents

YouTube and its contents

YouTube (in English: YouTube) Web site allows users to raise visual recordings and watch them for free via live broadcasts (the download allowance), share and comment on them and so on.
Founded on February 14 of 2005 three former employees of PayPal Inc. are Chad Hurley and Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, in the city of San Bruno, and uses Adobe Flash technology to display the animated sections. Site Content varies between movie clips, TV, music, video produced by hobbyists, and others. It is currently a provider with 67 employees. In October 2006 Google announced that access to the Convention for the purchase of the site in exchange for 1.65 billion US dollars, equivalent to 1.31 billion euros. It is one of the Web 2.0 sites.
"Time" magazine chose YouTube website man in 2006 for his role in giving the opportunity to its visitors in the production of materials that they offer on-site [2] .toss YouTube by Chad Hurley and Steve Chen and Jawed Karim and were former employees of PayPal company. Before that, he studied Harley design at Indiana University of Pennsylvania state, while Chen and Karim studied computer science at the University of Illinois. YouTube.com scale became active in the February 15, 2005, and then been working on the design of the site for a few months. Site opened as an experiment in May 2005, was officially opened after six months.
The first video on YouTube [edit]
The video raised by "Jawed" titled (I'm at the zoo) (in English: Me at the zoo) are lifted first video on YouTube, and it was on 23 April 2005, and a total duration of 18 seconds. I'm at the zoo on YouTube

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